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COX "Going All Digital"

  • April 29, 2015 10:02 AM
    Message # 3321460

    Just curious what other districts are doing about CATV service when Cox changes their signal to encrypted digital service I the next few weeks.

    It's been kind of quiet, but they are going to be shifting the "basic" content that they previously delivered for free to an encrypted signal.  This means signals to your TV will require a "mini box" to be viewable. Each mini box is $2 per month.  We have almost 100 rooms at the high school alone, each with a TV, which means we now have a $200 a month new TV cost.  Not to mention 100 remotes to keep track of, and 100 devices that require batteries and 100 more that require an additional outlet.  It was always my understanding the service providers were required to provide complimentary CATV.

    When I contacted Cox, they did not seem to have a plan or a solution.  I wanted to let others know what is happening and see if any other districts have been through this already.

  • April 30, 2015 8:56 AM
    Reply # 3322553 on 3321460
    Deleted user

    As someone who recently installed one in his home, they also require the normal tangle of COAX/HDMI (Wall to Box, Box to TV), so if you have any installed TVs on walls, etc, that can cause an issue with wiring.

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